Laces Up: North Star Football News


Coach’s Message


Star’s Football Family-

I hope this letter finds your family safe and well.  What a wild ride 2020 continues to take us on. This week was a rollercoaster of emotions for sure! First, we all deserve a pat on the back for navigating the waters of our first full week. I am so proud of our students, parents and teachers. This is truly a team effort and it is a great example of when we all work together we can accomplish amazing things. Wednesday night was a program highlight. Thank you to our Cover 4 and all of thed families who attended the College Recruiting During Covid presentation by Clint Cosgrove. His insight was spot on and the Q and A to follow was a great learning experience. Thursday we received word that our Fall Contact Days passed through the district! This means we will have fall football, sort of. So all in all a great week, with one slight hiccup. 

“Friday Night Lights”

I think Ron Burgundy said it best in Anchorman. “I am in a glass case of emotion.” This past Friday was a learning experience and one that forced me to come to terms with the reality of the current situation.  Over the last 20 years football has been woven into the tapestry of my families life. Every birthday, vacation and even wedding dates have been worked around football. Needless to say, this past Friday was different. I  wouldn’t say worse or better just different. There was a tangible emptiness that I felt and while I thought I was going to be alright with it, honestly I was not.  I have done a lot in my 42 years and been blessed to experience a lot really cool things but nothing and I mean nothing compares to the feelings that come out on a Friday night.  I am sure many of you felt the same way as I did. Now the real question comes up. 

“How do we respond?” 

My answer to this question is to build my world around the moment and what I  have as opposed to what I should have. It is easy to wish and hope but I have learned that wishing and hoping is not an effective strategy. As we navigate through these rough waters together I ask that we share in this mission and vision. Let us be the one common voice that our children get to hear. Let our unified voice be louder than all the fear, negativity and uncertainty.

Parting Shots 

We will get through this!

We will play football!

 It  will be awesome! 



  • Fall Contact Days 
  • Once the district gives the green light we will begin our contact days. 
  • Sept 8th – Oct 31st (20 days total 
  • All Program Player Google meeting Monday 6pm 
  • Performance training 
    • SCNFB Fall Program begins 9.8.20 
    • $120 per player 
    • Sept 8th  – November 13th
    • sessions cost saving over 70% 
    • Legacy registration here
    • No days at SCN at this time. 
  • SCN Player & Parent Yoga 
    • Sept 13th @ Legacy Performance 
    • 8am players 45 minutes 
    • 9am parents 45 minutes. 
    • More details to come 

Congratulations !

  • To all of our ‘21  players who been offered collegiate experiences 
  • Congratulations to Josh Bridges and Sam DeDobbeleare on there offers from Roosevelt and Trinity Univertiy respectively. 

This Week 

  • Player meeting google meet 6pm Mon 8.31
  • Performance Schedule 
    • Final week of Legacy/Pomoton mini cycle 
    • Registration for legacy will begin this week. 
    • Legacy Sign up here not live yet