Newsletter 7 – Role



February 16th-23rd 

Be the Best Fry Guy

Word of the Week:Role 

The gray skies and cold is a constant reminder that I prefer summer to winter. The dog days of February can make even the strongest person look ahead. As we close out  quarter 1 of our off season I encourage us all to finish this quarter off the way we want to start quarter 2. Being a North Star is about making the right decision even when it is hard.  For those new to our 4 quarter program please allow me to fill in some of the blanks. We break our yearly program into 4 quarters, very much like a fiscal business year. Each quarter is designed to yield specific returns on investment. For example, quarter 1 is focused around the following 

Quarter 1 Nov-Feb  

  • Soft tissue recovery from season 
  • End of year player meetings 
  • Player goals and benchmarks
  • College Recruiting 
  • Initial fitness testing 
  • Winter Performance Cycle 
  • Lift a thon 

I am very proud to say that we have hit all benchmarks for quarter 1 . The players, parents and staff have worked extremely hard to keep our program in the forefront and our culture strengthening. We each have a role to play in this program and if we can share in a simple mission of creating an ELITE experience we can achieve all that we set out to do. 

In quarter 2 we add the development of both the technical and mental aspects of the game.  Leadership academy has commenced and our players are beginning to look into their roles on this year’s teams. Open gym and film opportunities will be added to our weekly agenda. The ultimate goal is to teach the game of football. Players will have chances to work on their skill sets, as well as, do positional studies. Performance training begins in early March and will run for 12 weeks. A similar format will be available and players will again be training off site at Legacy Performance once a week. A subtle shift from weight room to speed application will begin to take place.  A focus on linear speed and technique will be made. As you can see there are always opportunities to be involved within our program. 

Our word of the week is “Role(s)” . As in what is yours, mine, ours within the SCN Football program?  I chose role(s) because in any team or family dynamic we must serve a multitude of services in order to maintain the homeostasis of the group.  

As the leader of the program it is imperative that I communicate our roles to each member of our organization. As parents, players and staff we all play a critical role in the development of our program.  Culture is dynamic, it lives and breathes by the day to day actions of those within the culture. A program’s culture must be fought for every minute of every day. It is an extremely difficult endeavor and impossible to do alone. Unfortunately, there are times when the role we are asked to play does not equate to the vision we have set for ourselves.  It is important to set your goals high but equally as important to understand the process of how you can achieve them. 

People often ask me what the “Process” is and how does it work? For one , I did not make it up. It is “borrowed” from Nick Saban at Alabama. However, I do believe in what it stands for. In all honesty, the process is different for everyone. We all have different roles, circumstance and adversities that we must negotiate through. In my opinion the process is the self discovery that entails as we serve in these varying  roles. 

At St. Charles North Football we have a saying “be the best fry guy”. Simply put we tell the story of a young man  at a local fast food joint and his rise through the corporation. He starts as the fry cook and in only 3 weeks the customers start talking about how great the french fries taste. So impressed his boss promotes him to line cook. Well no sooner do the customers start raving about the food coming off the line. Fast forward 2 years and the “fry guy” now owns his own franchise and becomes a multimillionaire. All of this because he took his role and did his very best with it.  

In our program not everyone will score the touchdowns and get their name in the papers. In fact, far more of us will not but that should not change our effort within our role. As an Iron Star we must perform our role with an elite level of detail.   As a teammate we must take care of our fellow teammates. That means we must make every decision not with wants and desires as the priority, but with the teams best interests at heart. This is the ultimate in selfless motivation. When we care more about the WE than we do the ME great things can happen. Be your best you this week in whatever your role is! 


Monday February 17th


Tuesday February 18th

2:35-4:15pm Whole Group 

Wednesday February 19th 




Thursday February 20th 


Friday February 21st

No team functions 

Saturday February 22nd

8am Feed the Cats Speed Training 








This year we will have the usual camps listed below . 

*June 1st- 4th is designated for youth and individual skills camps. 

* We have added a new camp opportunity. June 6th – July 30th we will be running a separate strength & conditioning class. Bryce Biel of Legacy Performance and his staff along with our Staff will be running a 75 minute strength & speed session M-R. Camp times will vary from June to July. The availability of this camp will allow us to separate our football and strength development. While this is an extra cost, the development to the athlete is well worth it  in my opinion. Prices have yet to be released but I can assure you it will come down to less than 10 dollars a session which is well below Bryce’s usual cost. We took this step as the logical progression in our program’s development. We have always felt that our strength development conflicted with our football development in the summer. This will alleviate that problem. Additionally, we start official football camp on June 22nd. From June 1st – June 18th we will be having OTA (organized team activities) film and scheme sessions from 6pm – 8pm. These are non padded classroom based sessions. A full curriculum is being developed to better prepare our athletes cognitively for the summer installs. Again we feel this aligns more consistently with our 4 quadrant development model. There will not be a camp sign up as these opportunities are free of charge. 

* I appreciate the monetary investment you make on your child’s behalf. If you have questions please contact me.